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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Quick little video for you guys- enjoy! Xx


Monday, April 7, 2014

     Since a few of my family members visited from Bakersfield this weekend, we decided to take them to the typical tourist-y spots- Urth Caffé, Hollywood Blvd., and Madame Tussauds. I can honestly say that it's been a while since I had as much fun as I had yesterday! Alright, let the "tour" begin *cool guy with shades emoji.*

Before we start: I was quite disappointed with my height at the beginning of the museum, as you can tell in the photo below.

M A D A M E   T U S S A U D S 

A - L I S T   P A R T Y 
They wanted to take selfies with me nbd
I spent about 10 minutes looking down the strip hoping to find Calum Hood lol true story

100% guilty

S P I R I T   O F   H O L L Y W O O D

M O D E R N   C L A S S I C S 
Hehe poke

And we end this gallery of photos with John Travolta. Yay? Hahaha, how did you guys spend your weekend? Did you go anywhere fun/interesting? Let me know in the comments below or send me messages on my tumblr (just click on the link)! I'll leave my outfit information below as well. Hope you guys are having a lovely day/night xx

Jumpsuit: Topshop (sold out)
Shoes: Reflection (I finally figured out the name of the shop!)
Necklace: Forever 21
Bag: Chanel
Phone Case: Moschino

Shop similars below:


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Another month, another 'favorites' post. Woohoo :) 

Skin care: Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Okay, this might sound odd to a few of you (or maybe a lot), but I've actually been using Extra Virgin Olive Oil to cure the dryness of my face, and it's been working wonders! It's funny how sometimes the least expensive products can be those that work best for you. But hey, I'm not complaining :) I've been using it for a couple of weeks now, and I have seen a noticeable change in particular areas that would get the most dry. Definitely a recommendation for those of you with dry skin! 

Tele: The Carrie Diaries
Of course, I'm always behind on television shows! Better late than never though, as I always say. I got into The Carrie Diaries around last week because I finished watching an episode American Horror Story (too much blood for a day), and it was a suggestion on Netflix. And may I say thanks a lot, Netflix, because I think I have found one of my favorite shows of the year. Now if only I could have a life slightly similar to Carrie Bradshaw's!

Accessory: Moschino iPhone 5 Case
Yummmm, french fries. I fell in love with this case the very first time I saw it appear on the Moschino runway show, more specific, when Lindsey Wixson carried the phone case as she walked down the runway. Either way, saw it, loved it, bought it. It was a bit of a splurge, to be completely honest, but I'm very very happy with it. I won't deny that it gets me extremely hungry when I get a glimpse of it during school, which reminds me that I need to start taking snacks to school. But of course, that's a whole nother topic that is unnecessary to get into.

Lip Care: EOS Lip Balm
I've been a fan of EOS lip balm for about 5 years now, simply because I've been so satisfied with most of them. I must say that I bought the yellow egg thinking it would smell like a citrusy lemon, but instead ended up smelling like.. a plant illegal in California, haha. I immediately purchased another one, as I knew I had to get rid of the previous one ASAP. Setting the short little story aside, I currently own the pink one (smells like strawberries), and I'd have to say it's my favorite one so far.

Shoes: Birkenstocks
Do I love them? Do I not? I've been asking myself this question ever since I saw them come back in style. To be honest, there are moments where I am completely in love with them and feel like wearing them all over the place, and then there are moments in which I wonder why I bought them. At the moment, I am happy that I purchased them, so I'm sticking to the fact that I do in fact like them. Another addition to my spring/summer shoes!

Music: Heartache on the Big Screen - 5 Seconds of Summer
Yessssss, 5SOS once again. What can I say? I'm loving their new stuff! Last month's song was a different one, as you can tell, so I guess it's okay that I mention them in another 'favorites' post, right? Yes, okay, good. Their EP came out a few days ago as well, so it'd be awesome if you guys got yourselves a copy of it! 

Health: Hydrating Strawberry/Lemon Water
This is the best combination eveeeeeeeeer. I don't remember exactly where I got the idea from, but after remembering it, I decided to finally give it a try. The splash of cinnamon added into the strawberry and lemon water is what makes it so perfect. It gives it a flavor of a strawberry lemonade that I would buy everyday after class when I was a freshman, which makes me reminisce about those old days. Oh how I miss being younger. 

And that is the end of this month's 'Favorites' post! Hope you enjoyed it, and even possibly try out some of the items mentioned by me! Hello April, and last quarter of the school year. June I am so ready for you!